No. 227 SOS S・O・S
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Shu Amiguchi:
Those government spooks are keeping an eye on me.
At this rate…
They could just take me away, and nobody would ever know…
△Yuki Takamiya
Shu Amiguchi:
So she was watching me this whole time? On behalf of that shady outfit?
Is that what she approached me at all?
No, wait…
I'm the one who approached her.
And she has to keep an eye on me?
Well, hey, maybe this isn't so bad after all!
△Yuki Takamiya
Shu Amiguchi:
So she's been monitoring me this whole time? She’s actually some secret-service government spy?
That’s crazy… Also, not gonna lie, weirdly hot.
Shu Amiguchi:
Miyuki Inaba:
Shu-kun, please help me…
×Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
Miyuki Inaba:
He knows I'm here now.
He's going to try to have me eliminated.
Shu Amiguchi:
×Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
Wait, wait―what do you mean, “eliminated”?
There's so much I still don’t get here.
I need a real explanation.
Miyuki Inaba:
I know…
But I had to hack my way in to reach you.
My connection won't last long…
△Testuya Ida→Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
When you say “he”…
You mean Tetsuya Ida?
Miyuki Inaba:
Shu Amiguchi:
Why is he after you?
Miyuki Inaba:
Because I'm helping you.
I was right.
He's trying to reset Project Ark.
Shu Amiguchi:
He wants to reset it?
What would that do?
Miyuki Inaba:
The world would be destroyed by kaiju.
Everything will be gone.
They want to start over…
They want to restart this world from the beginning. They’ve done it before.
And a reset means you would be erased, too.
×Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
You're talking about kaiju now…?
Miyuki Inaba:
You've already seen them….
Shu Amiguchi:
You mean those things in my dream?
Miyuki Inaba:
The Sentinels were built to fight those kaiju.
To defend the world you call home.
△Outer Walls→Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
So it’s just space beyond the enclosure walls.
That means we’re in some huge spaceship, right?
Miyuki Inaba:
Shu Amiguchi:
Why does all of this exist? Why cover up the truth?
Miyuki Inaba:
There is a supercomputer hidden below your town.
We call it Universal Control.
It has led you to believe you live in Japan, in a certain historical era.
Shu Amiguchi:
Miyuki Inaba:
Possibly to make your lives easier.
Possibly to make you easier to manage.
Even I couldn’t tell you the real reason.
×Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
So why are you trying to help us?
Miyuki Inaba:
You still don’t know who I am?
You and I have met many times in your dreams…
△Yuki Takamiya→Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
Inaba… Miyuki…
Oho! Are you… Yuki-chan?
Miyuki Inaba:
I'm not Yuki-chan.
Shu-kun… You really don’t know?
We’ve met in your dreams.
Please think a little harder…
△Yuki Takamiya→Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
Miyuki Inaba:
△Miyuki Inaba→Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
Well, you're… Miyuki Inaba, right?
Miyuki Inaba:
Yes… and no.
Miyuki Inaba is a disguise.
You should know what my real name is…
Please, give it some more thought…
△Miyuki Inaba→Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
△Tetsuya Ida→Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:]
You're not Tetsuya Ida, are you?
Miyuki Inaba:
You… might be overthinking this…
Shu-kun, please. We don’t have much time…
Please, give it some more thought…
△Tetsuya Ida→Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
Miyuki Inaba:
△Tomi Kisaragi→Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
Oh! That song… from my dream…
You don’t mean… you're…?
Miyuki Inaba:
You finally realized…
This is how I got past Universal Control.
I sang on an inconspicuous broadcast, with all my heart.
…Just I like used to.
Shu Amiguchi:
Miyuki Inaba:
Yes, it’s me.
But a different Tomi Kisaragi from the one in your world.
I'm not human aymore.
Just data on a computer.
But that’s exactly how I can still help you.
△Miyuki Inaba
Shu Amiguchi:
She's been reaching out to me…
Using my TV set to break through the walls that separate us.
She's the Tomi Kisaragi I saw in my dreams…
The Tomi Kisaragi who has no body left… Just a mind inside a machine.
×Miyuki Inaba
Miyuki Inaba:
Oh no…
He's at Sector 3’s terminal.
Help me, Shu-kun.
If we don’t stop him, he’ll erase me.
Shu Amiguchi:
What should I do…?
Miyuki Inaba:
Inside the outer walls…
I hid your Sentinel insi―
Shu Amiguchi:
No, c’mon… Don’t leave me hanging like this!
×Change Channel
Shu Amiguchi:
She's gone…
…What happens if I go there? Can I really make a difference?
I can already tell this is gonna be a huge mess…
No, no…
A girl has asked for my help!
I can't just run away from this.
I’ll go.
And I’ll figure out the rest when I get there.
×Head to Outer Walls
Ryoko Shinonome:
Any sudden moves, and I shoot.
Shu Amiguchi:
×Ryoko Shinonome
Shu Amiguchi:
The door was locked. How did you get in?
Ryoko Shinonome:
I broke the lock.
Shu Amiguchi:
With that gun?
Ryoko Shinonome:
There was an agent, too. I put him to sleep.
×Ryoko Shinonome
Shu Amiguchi:
Oh, right… You were at the park with him…
Are you with this shady spy bureau, too?
Ryoko Shinonome:
Shu Amiguchi:
So… What do you want with me?
Ryoko Shinonome:
I need your Sentinel.
Shu Amiguchi:
My Sentinel?
Ryoko Shinonome:
Call it here.
Shu Amiguchi:
…That’s a thing I can do?
I have no idea how.
×Ryoko Shinonome
Shu Amiguchi:
Senpai, I'm sorry…
But I've got something I need to do.
Ryoko Shinonome:
You want me to shoot you?
Shu Amiguchi:
I have to go stop Ida.
Ryoko Shinonome:
Shu Amiguchi:
Ryoko Shinonome:
Sounds like we’re on the same side…